... is the way it is being portrayed by the media. Take Newsweek's vulgar caricature of 'Muslim rage' mid September and what it has done to promote a particular stereotype of Muslims in the US:
The response to the sensationalist and attention-grabbing cover has been rightfully daming. For a good overview of the story read Guardian's Newsweek 'Muslim Rage' cover invokes a rage of its own.
The Daily Briefing at Avaaz also has excellent insight into the Newsweek bungle, which offers many lessons on vulgar stereotyping for South African journalists. Avaaz's reworking of the Newsweek 'Muslim Rage' cover in particular is insightful because it so powerfully and instantly corrects the misperceptions the US weekly may have caused. The photos for these spoof covers were pulled from a Gawker article.
Finally, there's a great op-ed by Richard Silverstein on the Western Liberal agenda and and on perceptions of Muslims in the West on Eurasia Review. The piece is called "Muslim Rage" and the hypocracy of the Western Liberal Elite.