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Tuesday, 03 June 2008


Mandy de Waal

@Frontier Former Editor: Great comment. And yes he was such a welcome relief to our country which has gotten so horribly politically correct (and incorrect). Good to have a laugh at such a delicate issue.

Frontier Former Editor

Speaking from the American side, Rock also has a wonderful ability to make all sides of the racism debate uncomfortable as hell about their own prejudices and preconceptions. The phrase "Some of my best friends are . . . ." is just another pistol target for Rock's world view.


I really, really believe that laughing is necessary to life. Like air.

Mandy de Waal

@kyknoord: You think so? Can't see how.

@daisyfae: Dave Chappelle. Now you're talking.

@morti: Ag ja. It would be funny if only it wasn't so tragic.


i think i missed something. i was under the impression that the country was already under the rule of (in)famous comedians.


Love Chris Rock... puts it out there. If you've not discovered Dave Chappelle, he takes a more insightful, circumspect approach to racism and life - but is brilliant! One of my favorites:


I've always thought that comedians getting actively involved in politics would be something of a conflict of interest.

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Mandy de Waal

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    + writer + thought activist + journalist Mandy de Waal is a writer and journalist who reports on technology, corruption, business, psychopaths, scams, science, the media sector and whatever else she finds interesting. Back in journalism after spending time in the corridors of corporate greed, de Waal has written for Noseweek, MoneyWeb, ITWeb, Brainstorm, Brandchannel (New York) and a number of other good titles. She now writes for Daily Maverick, iMaverick and Mail & Guardian because it’s the smart thing to do. de Waal has a predilection for good coffee, smart atheists, intelligent writing and well constructed arguments. View de Waal's portfolio. Email Mandy de Waal at mandyd-at-mweb-dot-co-dot-za or mandyldewaal-at-gmail-dot-com.
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