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Sunday, 01 June 2008


Mandy de Waal

@tobymarx: Thanks for your enthusiasm. And it was a fun project to be involved in.


Very exciting news, Mandy! This sounds like a project that could well be world-changing. Congratulations on being a part of it.

Mandy de Waal

@Darren: I'll be burning the midnight oil. But will have something up by tomorrow.

@Nic: Cool Nic. And thanks for spotting that typo.


Hi Mandy,

Great post. Only thing is the spelling of my name is "Haralambous". you've mispelled it!


Fantastic intro to the authors, Mandy. I should have asked you to write this ages ago!

Thanks for taking the time, and being part of the blook!

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Mandy de Waal

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    + writer + thought activist + journalist Mandy de Waal is a writer and journalist who reports on technology, corruption, business, psychopaths, scams, science, the media sector and whatever else she finds interesting. Back in journalism after spending time in the corridors of corporate greed, de Waal has written for Noseweek, MoneyWeb, ITWeb, Brainstorm, Brandchannel (New York) and a number of other good titles. She now writes for Daily Maverick, iMaverick and Mail & Guardian because it’s the smart thing to do. de Waal has a predilection for good coffee, smart atheists, intelligent writing and well constructed arguments. View de Waal's portfolio. Email Mandy de Waal at mandyd-at-mweb-dot-co-dot-za or mandyldewaal-at-gmail-dot-com.
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